A couple weeks ago we looked at helping others develop a growth mindset. My mentor and cherished friend Dr. Jacque Jacobs shared this quote with me: "The ability to learn is the most inspiring quality a leader can have." -Sheryl Sandberg Also from Dr. Jacobs: Setting up evaluation systems based on rating scales suggests one has "arrived" when you are rated "5" or "excellent" or "Exceeds" - when in reality you might be the "top dog" in a pretty weak pool. Evaluation systems should be established on a growth model as we can all learn and grow. So, what can we do?
Cheers! Frederick
Stay with me to the end of today’s message! Today’s episode of The Assistant Principal Podcast (releasing at 3 pm) features an outstanding assistant principal from Greenville, South Carolina, Carrie Prochaska. The focus of the podcast is on coordinating testing. It isn’t a glamorous topic, but it is essential. So, if you are an AP or have anything to do with coordinating testing in schools, consider subscribing to the podcast. At the end of every episode, I ask our guests to share the most important thing they want listeners to take away from the episode. Carrie shared two:
Here’s the lesson for all of us: Communicating well and remaining positive are two things that we should be doing no matter what the task is! I am constantly reminded, that no matter how technical our current work may be, it is the same fundamental leadership practices that pave form the foundation for success over and over again. Cheers! Frederick Colleagues,
M=V/E Motivation equals value divided by effort. Resistance simply means that there is not enough perceived value for the perceived effort it would take to complete the task To increase motivation you can increase value, decrease effort, or do both. You can print the attachment if you want a constant reminder. Thank you, Adrienne Stuckey, for requesting this “greatest quote”! Cheers! Frederick Colleagues,
Should I change the oil in my car myself, or should I hire someone else to do it? This is an easy choice for me:
For my son Lance, things are a bit different:
M=V/E (motivation equals value divided by effort). To increase motivation you can increase value, decrease effort, or do both. However, effort and value vary with each individual. Cheers! Frederick Colleagues,
Okay friends, last week’s messages were pretty intense, so let’s start this week with something fun. As I write this message, the sun is shining. It is finally warm enough to open the windows and hear the birds. Every now and then the breeze kicks up and I can feel it gently caressing my cheek. I close my eyes for a minute and smell the air, laden with the scents of flowers. I imagine myself on the top of Black Balsam, looking out over the Blue Ridge Mountains. Taking a minute to rejoice in spring makes me feel special. Here’s what’s funny… I had this same feeling last week sitting in a cramped and dark conference room with two school administrators. How?
Leaders matter. You matter. Your passion, your care, your vision – they brighten, inspire, and uplift. Everyday. Make it a great week! Cheers! Frederick |
December 2024