Colleagues, MVP: Stop spending time with people and instead invest time with them by making memories. Sometimes I spend time with people, like when I am in a meeting that doesn’t matter. We are all in the same room but we aren’t growing or communing together. More often, I invest time with people. I began the week by sharing the most important thing I have learned: it is all about people. If it is about people, then every interaction provides an opportunity to enrich our lives by investing time with a person, or detract from our lives by spending time with a person. Please consider being more intentional with your language. Invest time with others. Closing out this week in a wonderful way, I invested the first few weeks of June with my 91-year-old mom and my 31 year-old daughter, and of course with Pam. The interesting thing is that in using the term “investing” as I thought about the visit, I became much more intentional about making memories and appreciating each moment. Today’s intention: be intentional, invest time, and go make some memories this weekend!
Cheers! Frederick
MVP: Live intentionally today, for it is the only day we are guaranteed. Building on Tuesday’s message about reflecting on how you might live last week differently if you knew your days were numbered… They are. I will not live forever. I have always known that someday I would die, but it always seemed so far away. At 61, I have definitely passed the half-way point and it has made me more mindful about how I use my time. I still waste too much of it. I still have too many bad days. I still miss too many opportunities to connect deeply with other people. But I’m getting better. I share this because I want you to get better too. Today’s intention: For one day, try to live each moment intentionally. Make decisions about what you do with your time and attention. See what happens, what changes, and what remains the same. Cheers! Frederick Colleagues, MVP: Help your people by taking a systems approach to onboarding. There are fewer teachers and they are less prepared. There are more students enduring worse mental health issues. It is not a good fit. And this pattern is repeated in multiple service and governmental organizations. This isn’t something we can fix overnight, but we can at least nibble around the edges. In some cases, we can actually make things better. In others we are merely making things “suck less.” Either way, we are helping people. One way to improve the situation is to take a systems approach to onboarding new people. In today’s episode of The Assistant Principal Podcast, I describe some changes I think we can be making to improve how we help beginning teachers gain the skills to meet the demands they are facing. Thanks again to IXL for sponsoring today’s episode. Cheers!
Frederick Colleagues,
MVP: Need to read… What if today was the end? Or tomorrow? Someday, there will be a final today and a final tomorrow. The thing is, none of us know when our end will come. Today’s intention: Think about today, or yesterday, or the past week. If you knew your days were limited, what would you have done differently? There is power in listening to your answer. Cheers! Frederick Colleagues,
MVP: It is all about people Next week we will begin our annual rerun of the 20 most important things I have learned from other people. #20 is THE single most important lesson and it is this: It is all about people. Why am I sharing this now? Because repetition is the mother of learning. That is a clever segue into this… If you can’t get enough of my voice or are taking an incredibly long road trip, you might want to hear me as a guest on someone else’s show. The core teachings are the same, but I speak differently as a guest as compared to being a host. Here are four of my most recent appearances: Teaching Leading Learning K12: Host Steve Miletto asks some excellent questions as we discuss my book, A School Leader’s Guide to Reclaiming Purpose. Leaning into Leadership: My friend Darrin Peppard and I discuss my book and the challenges faced by assistant principals. Time for Teachership: The incredible Lindsay Lyons and I discuss presence and human-centered leadership. Practical Intuition with Kay: Kay Kolp is not a k-12 educator, so this is a very different conversation. If you want to learn more about my non-educational side, this is a fun listen. Apologies if this seems like self-promotion. There are people I follow and I enjoy hearing them on somebody else’s platform. Cheers! Frederick |
February 2025