Download the 4 Patterns of Observation here...
We observe teachers for many reasons but use the term “observation” generically. This leads to a lack of clarity which increases stress on teachers and decreases effectiveness of observations.
We can create clarity about teacher observations if we develop a vocabulary that helps all parties understand the purpose of each observation. Clarity of purpose helps focus the observer, prepares both parties for the type of feedback, and creates common expectations regarding the use of observation data. |
Quadrant2Quadrant2 is a free monthly micro-journal. Each issue focuses on a single challenge, skill, or technique related to supporting and developing teachers. Issues are brief and include tools as well as reflection and discussion questions.
The Strategic LeaderDeveloping a routine can be difficult, but here is something that might help. At 6:00 each morning I deliver a 100-300 word leadership reflection to subscribers' inboxes. Each email contains a brief message and an intention to focus your work.
It's a great way to start your day! |