10 Ways in 10 Days
Getting early career teachers off to a great start!
How can we get out new teachers off to a great start?
Let's be honest. There is so much to do during the first weeks of the school year. Everyone wants a piece of you. Everyone needs a piece of you. It's likely that your new teachers are getting some support from the district, have a mentor teacher in your building, and maybe are even getting help from an external support group sponsored by the state or someone else.
Yes, new teachers get a lot of support.
But do they get it from the right people?
New teachers don't leave because of the district office or their mentor.
According to a recent ASCD article synthesizing the recent research on early career teacher retention, 29% of first year teachers will leave the school they are in, to either exit the profession or go to another school.
Can you build a great relationship with your new teachers in just 10 days?
Of course you can't! But you can get the relationship off to a great start! 10 Ways in 10 Days is a short guide to help you help your new teachers. Each day includes a simple idea, specific steps, and tips that you can use in ten minutes or less. Ten day, ten minutes a day. That's 100 minutes, about the same amount of time as handling three discipline issues. And guess what? If you follow the ten suggestions, you'll probably prevent at least that many referrals in the first month of school. So how do you want to spend your 100 minutes - building a great relationship with a new teacher, or handling that teacher's discipline referrals?
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