MVP: Enlist others in helping identify solutions. Yesterday I shared the story of the principal who, faced with a paper shortage, micromanaged how paper would be allotted and actively blocked teachers’ efforts to be creative. What if instead the principal had gone to staff and said, “Ya’ll [assuming this is in the south 🤣], we have had our paper budget slashed from $1500 to $950. This week, in your teams, please discuss how we might best cope with this change and get your ideas back to me.” The net here, despite a cut in resources, might actually be a positive. How can we understand this through a culture perspective?
I would LOVE to hear your thoughts. I can see a few places where readers might push back with a different perspective. Simply reply to this email. Cheers! Frederick
Colleagues, An example of how a decision impacts culture My mentor and founding reader of the daily email, the esteemed Dr. Jacque Jacobs (also an author of mysteries, which you can find here), shared the following: High budget item: Reams of paper. HS principal doesn't talk with teachers, but limits every teacher to 4 reams of paper per quarter. In part to cut the budget but also to force teachers to use online materials. Result: Not every teacher needs even one ream of paper, so they give it to their colleagues (e.g. the English teacher). New decision by principal: Limit # of copies per teacher with admonition not to share your copy code. The teachers are demoralized… How can we understand this through a culture perspective?
Looking at culture through the six dimensions lens helps us understand why the actions are so damaging to culture. We’ll look at the flip side tomorrow. Cheers!
Frederick Colleagues,
MVP: If you want to be better at something, build a system to support it. On Monday I shared a reflection question from a friend on Purple Space. Today I will share one more: What’s something you’re still using ‘willpower’ for that should be automatic by now? Systems beat willpower, but only if you build the right ones. Systems support sustainability. What do you want to be better at? Build a better system. Cheers! Frederick Colleagues, MVP: When entering tough conversations, lead with care. On today’s episode of The Assistant Principal Podcast, Jamie Brown and I dig into multiple facets of conversations with teachers, students, and parents. The commonality: lead with care. When we care we put ourselves in the role of collaborator, not adversary. Episode link: Thanks again to IXL for sponsoring today’s episode. Cheers!
Frederick Colleagues,
I belong to a community called Purple Space, founded by Seth Godin, whose emails I sometimes share here. One of the members shared some reflection questions around New Years, and one of them struck me as particularly profound: What advice would you give your current self if you were already the person you’re trying to become? I hope you take a few minutes to ponder your answer. If it would help, hit reply and share it with me. I’ll share my answer in return 😉 Cheers! Frederick |
February 2025